MRI of the Central Nervous System I: Brain

Leuven (BE), November 29 – December 3, 2021

General Information


Ph. Demaerel (Leuven, BE)

Ph. Demaerel, J. Lambert, S. Cappelle, B. Verhaaren (Leuven, BE)

The course language is English


Prof. Dr. Philippe Demaerel
Department of Radiology
University Hospitals Leuven
Herestraat 49
3000 Leuven, Belgium
Phone: 0032 16 34 04 91


Mrs. Monika Philips
Phone: 0032 16 34 77 66
Fax: 0032 16 34 37 69

Convent van Chièvres - Faculty Club, Groot Begijnhof 14, 3000 Leuven, Belgium

until 15/09/2021
certified radiologist/specialist: 800 €
resident (certified by head of department): 650 €
after 15/09/2021
certified radiologist/specialist: 900 €
resident (certified by head of department): 750 €
The registration fee covers lectures and workshops, coffee breaks, lunches, welcome reception, cocktail party, digital syllabus, certificate of attendance and diploma.

The number of participants is limited. Participation will be processed on a first come first served basis.
To register, please go to the preregistration area at
Payment details will follow by e-mail after pre-registration. Your registration will be definitive and confirmed upon receipt of the fee.
Please note that all bank costs are at the expense of the participant and should be paid in addition to the registration fee.
Cancellations received before 18/10/2021 will receive full refund. No refund is possible for cancellations received on or after 18/10/21.



An application will be made to the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME).



Joanna Bladowska (Poland)
Fabrice Bonneville (France)
Sarah Cappelle (Belgium)
Jan Casselman (Belgium)
Philippe Demaerel (Belgium)
Robert Forbrig (Germany)
Elke Gizewski (Austria)
Sven Haller (Switzerland)
Julie Lambert (Belgium)
Thomas Liebig (Germany)
Jennifer Linn (Germany)
Frederick J.A. Meijer (The Netherlands)
Christoph Stippich (Switzerland)
Majda M. Thurnher (Austria)
Horst Urbach (Germany)
Luc Van den Hauwe (Belgium)
Benjamin Verhaaren (Belgium)
Meike Vernooij (The Netherlands)


Monday November 29

08.00-09.00          Registration
09.00-09.15          Welcome Ph. Demaerel - Leuven (BE)
09.15-10.15          Advanced neuroimaging (part 1)
S. Haller - Geneva (CH)
10.15-11.00          Magnetic resonance neuroanatomy  (part 1)
                                 Ph. Demaerel - Leuven (BE)
11.00-11.30          Coffee break
11.30-12.00           Magnetic resonance neuroanatomy (part 2)
                                 Ph. Demaerel - Leuven (BE)
12.00-12.45          Advanced neuroimaging (part 2)
C. Stippich - Zurich (CH)
12.45-14.00           Lunch
14.00-14.45          Principles of image interpretation
                                 Ph. Demaerel - Leuven (BE)
14.45-15.30          MR arteriography and venography: applications
                                 B. Verhaaren - Leuven (BE)
15.30-16.00          Coffee break
16.00-16.45          Movement disorders
                                 F.J.A. Meijer - Nijmegen (NL)
17:15-19:15         Welcome reception

Tuesday November 30

09.00-09.45          Stroke and mimics
                                 J. Lambert - Leuven (BE)
09.45-10.30          Diseases of the orbit
                                Ph. Demaerel - Leuven (BE)
10.30-11.00          Coffee break
11.00-11.45          Demyelinating white matter lesions - differential diagnosis
                                S. Cappelle - Leuven (BE)
11.45-12.30          Autoimmune brain diseases
                                Ph. Demaerel - Leuven (BE)
12.30-13.30          Lunch
13.30-14.15          Vascular white matter disease & microbleeds
                                J. Linn - Dresden (DE)
14.15-15.00          Hydrocephalus
                                 J. Bladowska - Wroclaw (PL)
15.00-15.30          Coffee break


Parallel workshops (4x40’)
15.30-18.10          Interactive case reading sessions
                                 Vascular white matter disease - Linn
                                 Demyelinating white matter disease - Cappelle
                                 Stroke and mimics - Lambert
                                 Hydrocephalus - Bladowska



Wednesday December 1

09.00-09.45          Intra-axial tumours
                                 E. Gizewski - Innsbruck (AT)
09.45-10.30          Extra-axial tumours
                                 F. Bonneville - Toulouse (FR)
10.30-11.00          Coffee break
11.00-11.45          Sellar and parasellar lesions
                                F. Bonneville - Toulouse (FR)
11.45-12.15         Hippocampal pathology
                                 Ph. Demaerel - Leuven (BE)
12.15-13.30          Lunch
13.30-14.15          Epilepsy
                                H. Urbach - Freiburg (DE)
14.15-15.00          Vascular malformations
Th. Liebig - Munich (DE)
15.00-15.30          Coffee break

Parallel workshops (4x40’)
15.30-18.10          Interactive case reading sessions
                                 Epilepsy - Urbach
                                 Intra-axial tumours - Gizewski
                                 Extra-axial/sellar tumours - Bonneville
                                 Vascular malformations - Forbrig

19.30-22.30           Cocktail party - De Hoorn


Thursday December 2

09.00-09.30          Cerebral venous thrombosis
                                 Ph. Demaerel - Leuven (BE)
09.30-10.15          Brain Trauma
                                 L. Van den Hauwe - Antwerp (BE)
10.15-10.45           Coffee break
10.45-11.30           Intracranial haemorrhage
                                L. Van den Hauwe - Antwerp (BE)
11.30-12.30          Cranial nerves
                                J. Casselman - Bruges (BE)
12.30-13.30          Lunch
13.30-14.15          Vasculitis        
M.M. Thurnher - Vienna (AT)
14.15-15.00         Normal ageing and dementia
                                 M. Vernooy - Rotterdam (NL)
15.00-15.30         Coffee break


Parallel workshops (4x40’)
15.30-18.10          Interactive case reading sessions
                                 Normal aging and dementia - Vernooij
                                 Infection - Thurnher
                                 Cranial nerves - Casselman
                                 Trauma and haemorrhage - Van den Hauwe



Friday December 3

09.00-11.00             Examination and corrections
Ph. Demaerel - Leuven (BE)
11.00-11.30             Coffee break
11.30-12.15             The role of postprocessing in neuroimaging
P. Dupont - Leuven (BE)
12.15-13.00             Closure, best student award and certificate of merit
13.00-14.00             Lunch and farewell



Go to the preregistration area
